Root canal treatment is a procedure that removes the nerve and pulp from the inside of your tooth.

The main goal of this procedure is to alleviate any pain caused by infection or decay. Some people are unaware when they develop an abscess. An abscess can cause extreme discomfort and pain. More often than not, most people leave it until it becomes too late for root canal treatment.

This blog post will discuss some signs to look out for so you know when it’s time to see a dentist ASAP!

What Is a Root Canal Procedure?

When the interior pulp of a tooth starts to decay, becomes damaged, or is infected, root canal treatment is necessary.

The name “root canal” comes from the fact that dentists access the inside of teeth through canals in their roots. A pulp is a collection of cells and tissues that live inside a tooth and make up its blood and nerve supply.

These nerve-filled tissues extend out from the root tips within tiny passageways called canals (hence, “root canal”). If these pulpy tissues decay or become diseased, they will need to be removed with endodontic (root canal) therapy as soon as possible to prevent further infection and irreversible damage to your teeth and jawbone.

Why Should You Get Root Canal Treatment?

If bacteria are allowed to enter the root canal space of a tooth, they can reach the bloodstream through tiny channels around the root tip within hours, causing an infection.

This will cause pain in the tooth and surrounding tissues. The following symptoms may be indicators that you need root canal treatment: Severe toothaches that aren’t relieved by regular dental procedures, when biting or chewing on hot food items, throbbing pain, sensitivity to temperature on hot or cold foods, your gums are infected with swelling. If you do not have a root canal procedure performed when it is necessary, bacteria in your tooth will eventually spread throughout your entire body via your bloodstream, this can be fatal.

How Does It Feel to Have a Root Canal Procedure Done?

The sensation of having a root canal procedure depends on the amount of pain and discomfort you are already feeling, the type of treatment needed, as well as the level of anaesthesia used to help you remain numb during the treatment.

Ideally, you should expect to feel only pressure as your dentist prepares your tooth by removing any decayed or damaged tissues that fall into the canals. You may feel some discomfort when your dentist fits a rubber dam in place over your cheek and gums to protect these areas from saliva and debris while he is working inside your mouth.

Your head will also be supported with firm pillows so that it remains elevated at an angle to prevent discomfort. However, you shouldn’t feel any sharp pains during tooth drilling or the insertion of instruments into the tooth’s nerve chamber.

Is Root Canal Treatment Excruciatingly Painful?

If your tooth has an infection, then a root canal procedure is performed on teeth that are already hurting or under extreme duress. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel any pain during the actual treatment.

While your dentist prepares the tooth for its final cleaning, you might experience some discomfort if your tooth is severely decayed or fractured. Other than this initial period of discomfort, you should feel no pain during a root canal treatment.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Having a Root Canal Treatment?

The majority of patients have very little discomfort after a root canal treatment.

You may experience some pain while the numbing medication wears off, but this will last no more than a few hours. In addition, you may notice some tenderness in your jaw where the rubber dam was inserted to protect your cheek and gums.

A tooth that has been through a root canal process is usually harder to chew on because the roots are filled with an inert material that resists normal biting forces.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Last?

A root canal treatment will heal on its own just like any other of the body’s natural restorative processes, but it may take anywhere from 6 months to a year for your tooth to completely recover. Your dentist or endodontist will give you specific instructions about how long you need to wait before having your tooth filled or restored.

If your tooth is already very sensitive because of advanced infection, you may have some discomfort after the procedure while the sensation in the nerve endings returns to normal. Although rare, some patients can experience severe pain for several days after their root canal treatment.


A root canal procedure is a dental treatment in which the pulp located inside of your tooth, near its nerve centre, is removed.

Root canals are often needed when infections or decay have damaged the soft tissue around the teeth, and it becomes necessary to remove that tissue before an infection spreads into other parts of your body. The process itself doesn’t hurt because the numbing medication will be administered beforehand, but there are possible side effects such as swelling, pain sensitivity, numbness, or tingling in certain areas of your mouth after you complete this type of oral surgery.

If you want more information about what to expect during this type of procedure, please contact our team today! We know how daunting these procedures sound, so we would love to answer any questions that you may have.